Our Story, Our Media
Empowering our youth and community with digital technologies and STEM Engagement. Thanks to the Wangaratta Chronicle we have been able to share our story, with plenty to celebrate and be proud of.
** Click on each image to read the original article. Please enjoy our story.
2021: AprilMaree Timms DTAC co-Founder, talks to Ben Newsome from the Fizzicseducation.com.au about how DTAC Started and inspires others to try the same in their community, with a double dare challenge! Click on teh image below to go to the podcast or follow FizzicsEd via a podcast app.
2021: AprilDTAC's original aim was to engage and empower our local talent students, teacher and our community. It was with great pride to see on of DTAC's Favourite's Madalynn Baumanis and the Galen VEX Robotics Program get nominated in the 7NEWS Young Achiever Awards. Madalynn was nominated by ZONTA Wangaratta and The Galen VEX Program was nominated by Local MP Tania Maxwell . Rutvik represented the Galen VEX Team, with pride, at the Award Ceremony. Maddy and Rutvik - we have been part of their journey since they were in year 8!
![]() The Wangaratta Contingent at the 7NEWS Young Achiever Awards
Tania Maxwell (MP), Maddy B, Maree Timms, Rutvik and Cr Ashlee Fitzpatrick
2021: MarchDTAC Hosts a virtual Girl Powered Event - hosted by our favourite young role model, Maddy B and her friends, Maddy T & Chloe C. ![]()
2021: JanuaryLooks like the Wangaratta Robotics Club is back up and running with a whole day event over the holidays - looks like it was pretty popular! "Wow! The post-lockdown catch up robotics sessions were fun last week! New ant-weight battle bots were created and new friends were made! Well done to all of the young people involved! Thanks again to our fantastic young robotics mentors from the #galenVEX team! " Wangaratta Digital Hub - Amanda Aldous Check out a video of all the excitement: https://www.facebook.com/WangarattaDigitalHub/videos/466088861219311 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2021: JanuaryDTAC Volunteer & Galen VEX Alumni , Maddy Baumanis, gets invited by Dr Amanda Caples and Minister Jaala Pulford for the launch of the Victorian Women & Girls in STEM Map at Swinburne Uni.
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2020: DecemberGalen VEX did a quick look back on 2020 from their perspective. We love working with these young guns, future superstars of STEM, DTAC is so proud! |
2020: OctoberGalen VEX reaches for the stars!! How proud are we all here in Wangaratta when these inspirational young people win through the preliminary rounds to Represent Australia in the 1st KIBO Robotics Challenge. They along with 6 other countries got the chance to program NASA's AstroBee Robot on the International Space Station! After months of working in a simulated environment - and they came THIRD!! Only one of three teams to complete the Space Mission. Woo Hoo!! MORE great stories by SpaceAustralia.com - winning to finals spot and Finals Wrap up The team gathered at an undisclosed location during the finals event, in their "secret" mission control, talking directly with JAXA,NASA Ames Robotics crew and Commander Chris Cassidy.What an experience for them all!![]() ![]() ![]() Watch their finals Run on the International Space Station. How exciting!!
2020: SeptemberDTAC has been in collaboration with STAV (Science Teachers Association of Victoria) since November 2019, planning the 2020 STAV Regional Conference, with COVID19 hitting Australia and innovative thinking - the Collaboration agreed to go "Online" with a virtual conference. The conference was a huge hit, with fantastic Keynote Speakers - Dr Amanda Caples ( Lead Scientist of Victoria) and Krystal DeNapoli (Indigenous Astrophysicist studying at Monash Uni, Scicomm and Wang High Alumni). Also our DTAC Members. Brett Webber and Maree Timms putting their hands up for hosting workshops. It was great to work withe the STAV Team, and looking forward to future collaborations https://stav.org.au/event/stav-stem-20online-conference/
2020: Augustwith everything "Pivoting" with COVID19 Lockdowns, looks like the Wangaratta Coding Club has done the same thing. How good is this! Well done Amanda, Junior Engineers and the Coding Cub to keep this great activity running during lockdowns. ![]() |
2020: AugustDTAC Partners - Charles Sturt Uni and NE TracksLLEN, Host Wangaratta's Virtual Big Day In, as part of the Digital Innovation Festival. Disappointed that it couldn't go ahead as a Face to Face event, the innovation continues with an amazing online event. Including a presentation by our DTAC member Emma Jones. |
2020: JulyDTAC members are excited to see, Galen VEX take up a new challenge - despite remote learning, they have found a challenge that may take them out of this world! Galen VEX known for their tenacity in Robotics was contacted by Jackie Carpenter from One Giant Leap Australia Foundation, hoping the Galen VEX crew wiuld feild a team in the Inaugural KIBO Robotics and Programming Challenge. A challenge set by JAXA ( Japanese Aerospace and Exploration Agency) and NASA's AMES Research Centre where teams may get the opportunity to Program NASA's Astrobee Robot on the International Space Station. Great story here by SpaceAustralia.com on the teams ambitions in the challenge. |
2020: JuneTalk about innovative - our DTAC Partners NETracks LLEN and Charles Sturt Uni hosted a Virtual Work experience for our local youth! NETracks LLEN - said The Virtual Work Experience Expo 2.0 in partnership with Charles Sturt University Goulburn Murray LLEN
North East Local Learning and Employment Network - NELLEN
Gippsland East LLEN
. 26 presenters across 5 career streams. 582 students from 12 schools joined us on line. Today we thank and profile our legendary Food & Fibre Presenters. Stuart Crostwaithe, Gaye Gauci , Leon Carter, Blake Edwards and Jo Williams gave great insights into just how exciting , rewarding and innovative their industry truly is. True and passionate leaders in their chosen fields.
Mountain Milk Co-Operative
Ag Skills Victoria
Wangaratta Veterinary Clinic
2020: MayDTAC have watched this young fella, become quite the innovator - now with Community Spirit and COVID in mind he has set out to help the local Front Line workers |
2020: END OF MARCH - COVID19 HITS AUSTRALIA:LOCKDOWNS, Working from home, remote learning & teaching...What Crazy Times ahead of us all.... with plenty of disappointing cancellations.Galen VEX were meant to travel to Melbourne for the F1 Grand Prix for the Digital Innovation Festival Display with their Robotics - CANCELLED Galen VEX to travel to the USA for the 2020 VEX World Robotics Championships along side Albury and Wodonga VEX teams - CANCELLED DTAC's Planned Girl Powered Event - CANCELLED Borrowing of DTAC Digital Resources - CANCELLED Events at the Wangaratta Digital Hub - CANCELLED MAV ( Mathematical Association of Victoria) Regional Conference at Charles Sturt Uni Wangaratta - CANCELLED :-( :-( :-( :-( |
2020: MarchDTAC wants to Congratulate the students of Galen VEX for their GLOBAL AWARD - This Award was given to 10 teams throughout the world recogising their "Community Service" by VEX World Robotics Community and Google. That is TWO VEX Worlds Awards - 2018 Service Award & 2020 Community and Service. DTAC members are so proud of these young people. Congrats to Mitchell Hobbs and Ryan Falconer who created this Award Winning Video:
2020: MarchDTAC and Galen VEX head to Benalla for a "Girl Powered" Workshop. After attending our "Wangaratta Girl Powered" workshop, Tomorrow Today Foundation, were inspired and asked us to present at their workshop. Taking along our DTAC Google expeditions, Turning Tumble and VEX gear, including "Zombie bots" we all had fun. ![]() ![]() |
2020: FebruaryDTAC is proud to have followed this young persons' journey, from when she was in year 7 and now a 1st year Uni student, Madalynn Baumanis. Maddy has helped run our Holiday Robotics and Coding Workshops, help mentor younger students, help organise and judge at our local, national and international VEX Robotics competitions, not to mention a great "Girl Powered/ Girls in STEM" advocate and role model.
2020: FebruaryWangaratta Digital Hub hosting Business Wangaratta’s first 2020 network meeting. Great to be able to showcase the opportunities at the #WangarattaDigitalHub for local businesses. ![]() |
2020: FebruaryDTAC Partner Charles Sturt Uni Wangaratta use their Labs and Science Expertise to help our wine growers test their grapes for smoke damage after the devasting Bushfire season. |
2020: February2020 DTAC NETWORK MAP reflecting on our events and activities: |
2020: JanuaryThe Wangaratta Digital Hub excited to announce another club being formed due to popular demand - Wangaratta Coding Club. Yet another initiative to support our young regional students.
Loads of kids and families on their first evening! How good is this!
2020: JanuaryDTAC and Galen VEX host another successful Robotics and Coding Holiday Program. |
2019: DecemberOur Regional teams find success at the VEX Robotics Australian Championships in Adelaide. With Maddy Baumanis being given the honour of being the Judges Advisor during the Competition. AND TWO local teams, Albury and Wodonga qualifying for the 2020 VEX Worlds Championships!! and Galen VEX Wining the Community Award for all the Community Outreach they do. DTAC Is extremely Proud of their achievements.
2019: NovemberDTAC Partner NE Tracks LLEN hosting the LLEN Network Meeting
2019: NovemberDTAC Proud to see one of our local DTAC Volunteer students highlighted. Jorja has volunteered in the VEX Robotics Coding Holiday programs and many other DTAC Initiatives.
2019 NovemberDTAC Hosts the VEX Robotics Regional Championships. Our local team #GalenVEX are looking the goods and we are extra happy to announce that Kelly Clarkson, FORD Australia Engineer will be our special guest judge. |
2019: October2019 DTAC Support Wangaratta Primary School with their Family STEM Night. So good to see our resources being used by our local primary school to engage not only their students but their families as well. |
2019: October2019 DTAC Host a fantastic "Girl Powered" Event DTAC was proud to host the "Girl Powered" event at the Digital Hub, with young role model Madalynn B form Galen VEX MC'ing the event. Special guests included Ford Engineers, Emma Peel, Kelly Clarkson and Jessica Selvey, who Maddy had volunteered with at the 2018 VEX Robotics Nationals. There was also a wonderful group of local STEM role models. It was a great evening, with lots of positive feedback, from all involved.
2019: OctoberWangaratta Robotics Club at the Digital Hub has gained momentum, with plenty of action. These students started out as volunteers at our holiday Robotics and Coding workshops, now they have created their own after school club. DTAC is very proud of them. Watch a Video of their bots battling it out on their new arena: https://www.facebook.com/WangarattaDigitalHub/videos/428253737840991
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2019: SeptemberDTAC Memebers participate in the Digital Ecosystem Futures workshop at the Digital Hub.
Fantastic evening of collaboration, discussions, brainstorming and networking to start developing a #digitalecosystem for #Wangaratta. Super big thanks to Sally @
Digital Gold and Susan Benedyka, for facilitating the evening. The #digital future is looking good for our local community. So many different sectors represented:
Entrepreneurs/Startups: Emma from
Startup Shakeup North East Vic
, Rohan from Emma from Health: Jane from Northeast Health Wangaratta
talking about Telehealth, Community: Amanda from Wangaratta Digital Hub
, Tenile from , Sarah from Into Our Hands Foundation
then there was our Education Crew AnneS, AnneG, Maree and Brett from #DTACWangaratta, Ilena from Wangaratta Regional Study Centre and our young super Star Jorja from Wangaratta VEX Robotics Team
DTAC is feeling so lucky to be part of such a wonderful network of positive, innovative people who want to make a better future for
Rural City of Wangaratta and beyond.
#DIFvic #DIF2019 #DIFvicRegional
Regional Victoria Living
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2019: SeptemberDTAC Cofounder Maree Timms recognised for her passion for STEM and Education by winning the Sandhurst Diocese Educaré Award. See more in our Blog Post
Maree with the DTAC Crew - L-R Carolyn Trethowan, Brett Webber, Maree Timms, Anne Geddis, Bernadette Albertson, Anne Shaw
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2019: AugustNEW CLUB starts at the Digital Hub - organised by students, run by students with support from Amanda Aldous at the Wangaratta Digital Hub and GOTAFE's Innovation Hub. Wangaratta Robotics Club. Have you seen BattleBots or Robot Wars on TV, imagine a mini version of this, where students learn to 3D print and build their mini Battle bot. Images and pics from their first introductory evening with interested families. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
2019: August2019 DTAC Collaborates with DLTV for local Conference The Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTV) reached out to DTAC to host a regional conference here in Wangaratta. It was great to be able to host a PD to support teachers, teaching students with Special needs and learning disabilities. We had a great time working with the DLTV Crew and look forward to future collaborations.
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2019: August2019 DTAC once again, gets involved in the Digital Innovation Festival DTAC and its' Partners created a number of events to celebrate the 2019 Digital Innovation Festival. Sally Rogers @ Digital Gold will host a workshop on Digital Inclusion, followed by another presentation by Susan Benedyka. the Highlight of the week, will be the Big Day In hosted by CSU at the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre, followed on later in the afternoon, with the Galen VEX crew's "Come and Try VEX Robotics" event at the Wangaratta Digital Hub. Lots of community engagement, including a special visit by Digital Innovation Festival's Margot Ingoldby, (Manager, Ict & Technology at Department of Economic Development , Jobs , Transport and Resources.) |
2019: JulyThe Wangaratta Digital Hub is coming into it's own - Lots of community use. |
2019: July2019 OzGrav from Swinburne Uni comes to Wangaratta's Digital Hub Swinburne's award winning OzGrav Outreach program approached us to host a regional event in Wangaratta. Schools were invited during the day and then open to the community in the evening. Participants got to discover new things about the universe, from our solar system to black holes, in the VR headsets. Lisa Horsely from Oz Grav was amazing at engaging everyone of all ages. From the little kids during the day to the "big kids" in the evening, The Galen VEX crew were on hand to keep the participants occupied playing with their robots, while waiting their turn to use the headsets. The Wangaratta Digital Hub was hopping and bopping with activity. |
2019: JulyStart Up Shake up - Pitch Fest - great result for our young guns. The Pitch fest organised by StartUp ShakeUp was a huge success, loads of fun and excitement as local startups pitched their case to Angel Investors. Ryan and Lachie knew they had an uphill battle against experience business people, but it was the entrepreneurial mentorship with Mark Cooper prize they had their eye on. They obviously won the judges over with their enthusiasm as they were rewarded with the mentorship prize. |
2019: JulyGOTAFE mentors young guns with business idea for upcoming PitchFest. With the Pitch fest organised by StartUp ShakeUp coming up soon. These two young fellas, Ryan and Lachlan, have been using the most of opportunities presented to them via the DTAC network. From their VEX Robotics school program, attending Questacon's Invention Convention and StartUp ShakeUp workshops, to this wonderful collaboration with GOTAFE's Innovation Hub and Wangaratta's Jeweller's Coworking. The collaboration was started over the summer holidays and funded by the Vic Gov -Summer Tech Live Initiative, which saw the lads present in Melb and up against a number of University Teams. They are looking forward to the up coming Pitchfest, to test their communication skills. The Summer Tech Live Presentation - where you will see Ryan and Lachlan explaining their project. |
2019: July2019 DTAC Resources being used by Wangaratta Library. Great to see our resources being used by the Wangaratta Library, introducing youngsters to spheros and bloxels. It's so good to be able to engage young people in technology. Community engagement is essential in our DTAC vision. |
2019: July2019 Another successful 2 day Coding and Robotics Holiday Program. This DTAC program is creating wonderful young community leaders. To have more female past participants acting as mentors makes us really proud of what we are achieving. DTAC keep the costs of the workshop as low as possible ($60 per participant). We use the funds to buy new resources for our lending library. We ow have a great range that are used in the holiday workshops, and school can borrow during the term.
2019: June2019 Myrtleford's P-12 students enjoying DTAC's Google Expeditions Kit It's always great to get feedback from schools who use our resources. |
2019: May2019 The Digital Hub now has employed a new coordinator. The Wangaratta Digital Hub has now employed a Coordinator, and exciting new step in creating a space for collaboration and supporting the community with digital skills. The space is bookable for for community group to use as well. Exciting times ahead.
2019: April2019 NE Tracks LLEN - Winton Hands on Trade Day. DTAC Partner - NE Tracks LLEN's Winton Hands on Trade Day is getting bigger and better each year. Such a fantastic line up of exhibitors to inspire out youth into a vast variety of trades. This year, they encouraged all exhibitors to ensure they have hands on activities to engage the young visitors, this has really increased the engagement and success of the event. Check a student created video of the Hands on Careers Day. Loads of fun. |
2019 March2019 DTAC Digital Harvest Conference. Another successful Digital Harvest Conference is held with some great guest speakers, and our Galen VEX crew teaching teachers, about Programming and building robots. What a fun day was had by all. ** the initial plan was to host the event in August 2018, but due to circumstances out of our control is was moved to March 2019
2019 March2019 the Galen VEX crew off to VEX Robotics World Championships. DTAC is so proud to support these talented youngsters. They certainly are inspiring our community young and old. We wish them the best of luck an dthey enjoy the experience. We cant wait to hear the stories on their return.
2019 March2019 Charles Sturt Uni Wangaratta, bring Cyber Security Course to Wangaratta DTAC partners - Anne Geddis and Ilena Young, CSU Wangaratta, have been working hard to bring CSU's Girls in Cyber Security Advancing Course to Wangaratta. The students involved loved the course and have a new set of digital skills. |
2019 March2019 ShakeUp StartUp - planning for an exciting Pitch Fest The ShakeUp StartUp team, including DTAC Members are planning a Pitch Fest, with great prizes on offer. A fantastic opportunity for our regional entrepreneurs. How exciting to be part of this wonderful start up ecosystem in our region. |
2019 February2019 Galen VEX team mates get selected to the National Invention Convention Ryan and Lachlan selected to attend Questacon's National Invention Convention. Only 25 students from across Australia were selected. They loved the experience and are excited to bring their new knowledge, skills and ways of thinking into the entrepreneurial ecosystem that is developing in our region. The sky is the limits with these two young guns. We are very proud to be part of their journey and look forward to supporting their next adventures. |
2019 February2019 Startup Shakeup continue to grow and inspire. DTAC Partners proud to support Shakeup Startup with entrepreneurial workshops around the region. Our Region has a lot to offer and with support form Launch Vic and the Vic Government, we can continue to create opportunities for our innovative community. |
2019: January2019 Another successful Coding and Robotics Holiday Program. DTAC alongside our champion robotics team members, hosted another fabulous 2 day Robotics and Coding Holiday Program. It was a packed house yet again, with a number on the waiting list. This program continues to engage and inspire our local students, and we are seeing leaders emerge from the Galen VEX crew as they go about working with the junior students.
2018: December2018 Galen VEX off to the 2019 VEX Robotics World Championships AGAIN!! Talented students of the Galen VEX Robotics Program, have dominated alongside their North East Vic counterparts at the VEX Robotics National Championships. The Regional Teams, took away almost 40% fo all the Awards given out, and three teams will be representing Australia at the 2019 VEX Robotics World Championships in Louisville Kentucky. Each team will be in a different division. St Anne's Primary (Albury) - Elementary Division, Wodonga Middle Years - Middle Years Division and Galen Catholic In the High School Division. We wish them all the best of luck. It really is Regional Kids kicking goals. We are so excited to have been able to support this fantastic program. |
2018: December2018 Startup Shakeup - gets behind Global Sisters. DTAC partners help support Global Sisters and Startup Shakeup, supporting our local women entrepreneurs. |
2018: November2018 Digital Hub is a hive of activity. DTAC partners are really excited in how the use of the Wangaratta Digital Hub is growing. It is developing a great hub for people to use and gain help in digital skills. This hub was a really welcomed addition for our community. |
2018: October2018 DTAC Wins National Award at 2018 Tech Diversity Awards. DTAC was over the moon to receive the Minister of Innovation and the Digital Economy, Philip Dalidakis, Highly Commended Award for our Courage, Dedication and Collaboration in bringing STEM engagement to Regional Victoria. The submission, required a written submission and video. Below is our video that we submitted.
2018: September2018 Startup Shakeup gets up and and running. Emma Jones takes the lead role to get entrepreneurs and local starts up a boost through a number of workshops. DTAC partners are excited about what opportunities it will create for our community. |
2018: September2018 The Wangaratta Digital Hub starts to take shape. A great collaboration between DTAC partners and the Rural City of Wangaratta, a successful submission was able to gain funding for 3 years from the State Government to create the Wangaratta Digital Hub. |
2018: August2018 DTAC partners get involved in the Digital Innovation Festival. DTAC created and hosted a "Digi Try 18" event at the fabulous new space Wangaratta Digital Hub and GOTAFE's Innovation Hub. Lots of activities to keep the everyone engaged. |
2018: AUGUSTDr Amanda Caples - Lead Scientist of Victoria creates a STEM NETWORK MAP for Victoria. DTAC members are excited about this MAP, as it shows the power of networks and will create more opportunities for our regional students.
2018: August2018 DTAC's STEM Expo as part of National Science Week. This years STEM EXPO was another great success for the DTAC Crew, with a range of exhibitors including students exhibtors form all three secondary schools. Our 2016 STEM Expo was to inspire and engage students and the community into the wonders and value of STEM. Now to have students as exhibitors form the three high schools is very exciting for all of us at DTAC. We can see our original vision starting to take place before our eyes. |
2018: July2018 DTAC host another successful Robotics and Coding Holiday Program. DTAC along with Galen VEX students hosted another engaging 2 Day Robotics and Coding Holiday Program, at the Wangaratta Regional Study Centre. The program has become so popular, that there is often a waiting list to get in. It is great to see the Galen VEX team members working with the younger students sharing their passion and skills. They are the future STEM leaders. We would also like to thank NE Tracks LLEN who always support the program, and added bonus of supplying us with a big box of healthy, seasonal fruit for everyone to share over the two days.
2018: July2018 DTAC Members Anne Geddes & Aimee Snowden win CSU's Excellence Award Congratulation to Anne Geddis and Aimee Snowden from CSU Wangaratta for wining the Charles Sturt University's Excellence Award for their outreach STEM Engagement. This is a great honour for them both in recognition for their hard work, passion and dedication. DTC is so fortunate to have such wonderful people in the team. Anne was a founding member of DTAC and her vision, organisation and networking has helped us keep on track and continue to grow and develop great programs. |
2018: July2018 Funding Grant for Regional StartUp Ecosystem via Launch Vic DTAC Partners - NE Tracks LLEN, CSU and GOTAFE collaborated with local shires to help gain support for funding towards the local Start-ups to encourage and support innovation in the region, creating a new regional start up ecosystem: The coordinating body : StartUp ShakeUp check out their webpage. |
2018: June2018 Ovens and Murray Regional Assembly. DTAC representatives including Galen VEX team members attend the Ovens and Murray Regional Assembly. Galen's Rutvik C seen here, showing Ben Carroll, Minister for Industry and Employment one of their robots. |
2018: June2018 DTAC Resources being used by our local Primary Schools. DTAC's Google Expeditions Virtual Reality Kit, being used by primary students to travel the world.
2018: June2018 Digital Inclusion Forum DTAC Partners involved in the Australian Digital Inclusion Forum, hosted at the Wangaratta Regional Study Centre. The forum looks at creating networks to ensuring Wangaratta and our region is part of the National Dialogue. |
2018: May2018 Girls in STEM World Café DTAC had the opportunity to invite Dr Kate Grarock #superstarofSTEM to Wangratta, where she spoke to students at local schools and as a special guest at DTAC's Girls in STEM World Café. Dr Kate Grarock was the key note speaker , then students and parents broke into groups and rotated around the tables where at each table was a local STEM Super star.
2018: April2018 Galen VEX win Service Award at 2018 VEX Robotics World Championships. DTAC would like to congratulate the Galen VEX Team members on being voted on by their peers as the most friendly and cooperative team. We could not agree more.
2018: AprilGalen VEX thanks DTAC partners and the community The Galen VEX team are about to head off to the USA to compete in the as t the 2018 VEX Robotics World Championships. We wish them the best of luck. |
2018: April2018 GEEK Con at the Wangaratta Library The Galen VEX students and our DTAC Google Expedition Kit being a big hit at the Geek Con 2018.
2018: April2018 Education Feature - STEM in the spotlight Article on the importance of STEM education by CSU our DTAC partner
2018: March2018 DTAC & Galen VEX part of OMRP Digital Case Study The Ovens Murray Regional Partnerships is creating a Digital Plan for the future, the DTAC Collaboration with Galen VEX Robotics Program has been highlighted in their case study.
2018: March2018 Girls in STEM Breakfast DTAC organised a Girls in STEM Breakfast with local Women in STEM Role models / industry leaders to chat about their career pathways and inspire about 30 young girls about the possibilities of a STEM Career. Hosted at the Wangaratta Regional Study Centre.
2018: February2018 Education Advantage becomes a DTAC Partner. Education Advantage saw what DTAC was doing and was inspired by our vision, aims and goals. They jumped on board to support us and our community. DTAC Was thrill to have their expertise on board and want to thank them for their support and also for setting up this webpage for us. :-) Please look at their webpage and see how they can help you and your school. |
2018: January2018 Torch Relay Honour for DTAC member Our DTAC member and co-founder Maree Timms is recognised by the community for her STEM leadership to carry the Commonwealth Games Torch.
2018: January2018 our first 2 Day Robotics and Coding Holiday Program: Collaboration between Galen Catholic College VEX Robotics Team, DTAC and the Wangaratta Regional Study Centre. We hosted our first extremely successful Robotics and Coding Holiday Program, over the two days the Galen VEX team members mentor grade 5 and 6 students in various robotics and coding activities. Most of the robotics resources used in the activities were borrowed from Galen Catholic College. Thanks to our DTAC Partner : Education Advantage we now have 5 x Bloxels Kits to add to DTAC's Resource lending library. They proved to be a big hit during the two days. |
2017: December2017 Australian VEX Robotics National Championships. Following in from the success of the hosting the 2016 National Championships, Wangaratta was given the opportunity to host the 2017 National Championships. Growth of VEX robotics in the regional saw local teams grow from 3 teams in 2016 to 14 local teams competing in the 2017 National Championships. With one of Galen Teams winning the Excellence Award and the honour of representing Australia at the 2018 VEX Robotics World Championships in Kentucky USA. DTAC was so proud and excited to see our local students succeed against strong such competition from Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra teams who had been part of the VEX Robotics Program for a number of years.
2017: December2017 Education Advantage becomes a DTAC Partner. Education Advantage saw what DTAC was doing and was inspired by our vision, aims and goals. They jumped on board to support us and our community. DTAC Was thrill to have their expertise on board and want to thank them for their support and also for setting up this webpage for us. :-) Please look at their webpage and see how they can help you and your school. |
2017: December2017 GOTAFE - Future Career and Pathways Workshop DTAC partner - GOTAFE created a Future Career and Pathways workshop for regional students.
2017: November2017 GOTAFE inspire the little ones for careers based on animals. DTAC Partner GOTAFE shows that no matter how young it's important to start setting the seeds for future careers.
2017: November2017 DTAC Partners involved in Regional Agricultural Summit. Wangaratta Regional Study Centre hosted the Annual Regional Agricultural Summit. Many DTAC partners also attended as Food and Fibre is an integral part of our region and the creation of jobs/industry partnership to create opportunities for our next generation of Ag leaders.
2017: OctoberDTAC Adds Telescopes to its list of Resources. DTAC adds 3 x 8" Dobsonian Telescopes to it list of STEM resources, thanks to our fantastic partner, Charles Sturt Uni. With links to STARR's Planetarium we had a few big days of looking at the stars in both real life and in a planetarium. The community were enthralled. with school visits during the day and then a community star gazing evening and a planetarium show, it was an inspiring day for all.
2017: Sept2017 NE TRACKS LLEN working to keep young people employed. DTAC Partner, NE Tracks LLEN works closely with local employees and school to help give students school based apprentships and employment opportunities.
2017: August2017 DTAC Hosts it's first big Teacher Conference: "Digital Harvest" DTAC Partners gathered together to host the DTAC's very own teacher conference, with some fabulous Keynote speakers: Andrew Douch and Mark Woolley, plus a number of local and Melbourne and interstate speakers, creating a large array of interactive and engaging workshops to inspire our educators from across regional Victoria and beyond.
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2017: August2017 STEM Expo - National Science Week After the success of the initial 2016 STEM Expo, the DTAC Team worked together to create a second successful STEM Expo. This time we had a number of students as presenters alongside industry experts.
2017: July2017 DTAC Network map is created. DTAC members were impressed with the successes and impact they had made. A day long meeting was held to consolidate and map out the journey and future aspirations. The outcome was the first DTAC Network Map. ** click on image to get the original document |
2017: June2017 Regional Education Forum - Wangaratta Regional Study Centre DTAC Partners, NE Tracks LLEN, CSU and GOTAFE attended the 2017 Regional Education Forum looking at Tertiary Aspirations of the region. Hosted at the Wangaratta Regional Study Centre , educational experts from the region attened, it was noted that our region has extremely low tertiary aspirations compared to that of the rest of the state. |
2017: June2017 Health Careers Forum by DTAC Partners DTAC Partners, NE Tracks LLEN, CSU and GOTAFE host the annual Health Careers Forum, where local students are taken through a range of hands on activities looking at the health Careers. CSU and GOTAFE provide local training opportunities for careers in health.
2017: May2017 HANDS ON TRADE Day - NE TRACKS LLEN NE Tracks LLEN with collaboration from, GOTAFE and CSU and variuos industry experts, host their annual Hands On Trade Day. Where students from all over the region head down to Winton Race way to look at trade career pathways through a range of exhibits and hands on activities.
2017: MayDTAC Partners - GOTAFE and CSU create Ag in Drone Course. Inspired by the 2016 STEM Expo, GOTAFE and CSU collaboration to create more STEM Interest in providing a Drones in AG course for locals.
2017: AprilGoogle Expedition Kit is purchased for local schools to use. DTAC purchases it's first digital resource for schools to borrow. A google expedition kit worth $10,000 . $4000 from the Rural City of Wangaratta Community Grant and $6000 from Charles Sturt Uni/Wangaratta Regional Study Centre. As part of DTAC submission in the Rural City of Wangaratta Community Grant for the STEM Expo - we said we would put money aside to buy digital resources for the community to use. See all our digital resources Google expeditions allows students to travel around the world, bottom of the seas and top of mountains in a VR environment. Click on image to take you to our webpage about our google expeditions kit. |
2017: February2017 Education Advantage becomes a DTAC Partner. Education Advantage saw what DTAC was doing and was inspired by our vision, aims and goals. They jumped on board to support us and our community. DTAC Was thrill to have their expertise on board and want to thank them for their support and also for setting up this webpage for us. :-) Please look at their webpage and see how they can help you and your school. |
2017: January2017 DTAC Vision/goals and first draft network map created Team members met in January to wok through the "Program Logic Method" to evelaute the 2016 STEM Expo, it lead us to also look at aims goal and vision for DTAC, in moving forward into the future. We all realised that our collaboration was special and wanted to ensure it continued and broadened. **click on image to get access to document with network map included.
2016: December2016 Australian VEX Robotics National Championships. Wangaratta was awarded the honour of hosting the VEX Robotics National Championships, after Travis Burroughs ( DATTA Vic & VEX Robotics Australia) - met with the DTAC team. This was the first time the National Championships had been held outside of Melbourne.
2016: August:2016 STEM Expo: National Science Week. PRE-DTAC formation: initial collaboration, our first STEM EXPO DTAC - was formed after the success of this event, the networking and collaboration between all parties was so successful that a formalised networking group was created - The Digital Technologies Advisory Committee Wangaratta. :-) To see more of how our story began: Blog post DTAC - won a Rural City of Wangaratta Community Grant to help support the organisation and hosting of the STEM Expo. Click on image for original article. |
The Start of an Adventure!! July 2016 our first meeting of like minds!
Anne Shaw, Anne Geddis, Bernadette Albertson & Maree Timms
The beginnings of DTAC IS FORMED!!